
What I was in the past: 

A Theatrical Stage Manager, an editorial equipment repair technician, a production assistant making tv commercials, a special effects production supervisor, a massage therapist, an over pleaser, a 911 operator.

What lead me to this work:

It was a self defense class.  The ones where you get to actually hit the guy?  Yup that one.  I felt so empowered I became an instructor teaching other women how to defend themselves.  I did that for 10 years.   Standing behind a woman, coaching her to voice her boundaries and use her body was my first taste of what it’s like to do the work I do. 

Like a counselor /coach, we sometimes need someone to help us learn new ways of doing things that were scary and to help us make those transitions to empowerment. I believe you have a right to stand up for yourself and that you have a place in this world. 

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What I am today:

I’m an integrative bodyworker who decodes people’s nervous systems.   Mind and body go together, but often in traditional therapies, the body is left out.  I can teach you how to bring awareness back to your body and use it to help you settle and keep the mind from taking over.   I’m someone who’s got your back as you’re trying to learn new things about yourself.  Or when you’re trying to change things about yourself.

How I do that:

I use compassion, curiosity and a keen eye to help your system try new pathways.  I will celebrate your victories and I will hold you in your grief.  I am looking at the big picture of where you have been and where you want to go.

I’ve also survived a life threatening illness in my teens, as well as ongoing narcissistic relationships which rocked my body and world.  It’s here that I also learned that there can be support from other realms as well. 

I believe that you are allowed to say no, that people abusing you are not your life’s teachers and that you have choices.

I have studied Somatic Experiencing since 2001 and continue to study with my teacher, Kathy Kain, to deepen my touch work awareness as well as courses in developmental work, ancestral healing and nature awareness.

I am committed to my own ongoing anti-racism education to uncover my unconscious biases to expand my understanding and awareness. I support diversity.

We are in this together 




More information about the work I've been part of:

Impact Person Safety

Somatic Practice with Kathy Kain

Somatic Experiencing™ 

Jon Young